Security incident in the protection of personal data

Personal data breach incident - how to handle it?

It is the fifth month since the new regulations on the protection of personal data come into force. The period of the media storm related to the GDPR is probably behind us. Slowly, everyone has adapted to the new regulations, completed the documentation, implemented appropriate procedures and are trying to implement them with more or less commitment. However, one of the most frequent dilemmas related to the protection of personal data is the handling of security breach incidents.

Where did the idea for incident handling come from?

Both the old Act on the Protection of Personal Data and the new provisions of the GDPR mention the need to keep a register of incidents and implement the process of their proper handling. Where do such requirements come from? It is probably a derivative of ISO standards, where such a register has a control function that allows to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the information security management system. The number and frequency of security incidents proves whether our data protection system is effective. It also allows you to verify whether the security measures introduced by us are effective, i.e. whether they cause the number of incidents to decrease. Continue ...

From an infected website to a serious security incident - a case study

Serious data leaks and security incidents do not necessarily have to be the result of deliberate actions by intruders aimed at a specific target. They are not always noticed immediately by the victims of the attack. Often a serious breach of security occurs as a result of a combination of several events and its detection may be the result of the inquisitiveness of a random person. The following is a transcript of an interesting investigation, as a result of which we discovered a very serious threat to customer data of a large hosting company.

The description below includes links to websites that have been attacked or maintained by reputable organizations. Opening them may be dangerous.

Case study

On one of the websites maintained at (a hosting company belonging to that supports the largest number of domains in Poland according to I noticed suspicious behavior: typing the website address in the browser caused redirection to the address opened a page pretending to be Dropbox and asking you to log in - a classic phishing. The first thing that occurred to me was that I missed my domain renewal and someone took over. But no, domain is paid for. So I log in to the hosting panel and check the website files. Several of them have today's modification date, although I have not made any changes today. The website has therefore been modified in an unauthorized manner. Quick analysis of possible attack vectors: Continue ...