Implementation of wireless networks

WLAN networks are an indispensable element of the IT infrastructure in enterprises for which mobility and high availability of services are the basis for achieving business goals. Many years of experience in designing and implementing wireless networks has allowed us to develop a comprehensive offer for the delivery of secure solutions based on proven standards and practices used in wifi networks. The practice is also supported by knowledge and certificates - specializations Cisco Premier Partner - Cisco Wireless LANHP Preferred Partner - HP Networking Professional and for auditing purposes EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker. We guarantee reliability and high-quality services.

1. Implementation methodology.

We make sure that our solutions provide maximum satisfaction to our clients. Therefore, the methodology of our implementations includes the following services:

  • site survey - WLAN network measurements, allowing to determine the location and number of access points that will guarantee the required speed when accessing the WLAN. Performing measurements guarantees full WiFi coverage while maintaining the highest transmission speeds for a given technology, ensures signal continuity and optimization of the number of access points.
  • design and optimization of the concept - when implementing wireless networks, we use technologies that increase efficiency, stability and guarantee full monitoring of the network's operation. Networks based on redundant controllers, a management server, tools for advanced analysis of mobile services and reporting are the most common design scenarios in enterprise environments.
  • ensuring the safety of - WLANs can be vulnerable to attacks and unethical user behavior. To secure your network, complex passwords and WPA2 encryption are no longer sufficient. The security we use is the authentication of the user in the network using domain passwords, dedicated RADIUS servers or one-time password servers. Additionally, the authentication process can be strengthened by means of digital certificates issued individually for each device. A necessary element of a safe WLAN network is a correctly made contact with the corporate network. Traffic should be passed through the fire gate and filtered down to TCP ports only for those services that are to be accessed by mobile users. An additional security of the wireless network is WLAN IPS, which, while listening to the environment in the free time from data transmission, is able to detect and neutralize attacks on the wireless network.
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2. Security audits.

The final stage of implementation is the performance of a security audit, which allows you to verify the network security methods used and their susceptibility to threats. We subject existing networks to ethical attacks and penetration tests - in this way we check the operation of security systems and attack detection. In the event of any irregularities - we develop a security policy implementation plan, taking into account the current state of knowledge on the security measures applied.

3. References.

We have carried out many implementations of wireless networks in production, warehouse and office environments. The projects covered networks prepared for operation from several to several hundred access points. The applied solutions allow for full reporting of the wireless network status, security level and are able to provide users with a full range of mobile services. At the request of our clients, we are ready to present examples of implementations with appropriate references.