Remote support offer for companies and individuals - simplified procedure

Due to the current situation of the COVID-19 epidemic, we decided to simplify and extend the scope of remote customer service.

Our proposal is to provide support for clients in a situation where many employees work remotely, and additionally, difficult access to IT services is possible.

 To benefit from the support of our company, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Please send an email to containing the following information:
    • Company name and contact information,
    • Brief description of service expectations.
  2. In response, we will call you to clarify mutual expectations related to the service.
  3. After agreeing the details, we will send you a scan and a paper version of the confidentiality agreement. The contract includes our declaration of the highest quality of services.
  4. We can start cooperation!

 The rules of customer service in a simplified procedure are as follows:

  1. The service will be performed remotely. If there is an absolute necessity to visit you, after agreeing on the necessary issues related to the safety of employees, our service technician will perform the necessary work at your premises or other indicated place.
  2. Remote maintenance will be as follows:
    • The service will be available on working days from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. If there is a need to extend the scope of service, we invite you to sign our standard service contract.
    • The service will be provided immediately upon receipt of the notification, in the order of receipt.
    • The service request must be in the form of an email sent to our address helpdesk containing the following information:
      • Company name and contact information,
      • A short description of the need / problem.
  3. The service may be performed using one or more of the following methods:
    • Call,
    • TeamViewer service software that allows for secure, encrypted, remote access supervised by the customer,
    • Microsoft Teams online meeting software.
  4. After solving the reported problem, our employee will send you an e-mail summary of the service (description of activities, method of solving the problem, hourly effort), and in response, we also ask for an e-mail confirmation of its performance.
  5. The service will be billed on the basis of prepaid hour packages in the amounts of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 hours.
  6. Each new customer, before buying the hour package from point 5, can take advantage of 1 hour of free service at a time.
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 Feel free to contact us and we hope that our proposal will make your work easier.

We wish health!

UpGreat Team